This is me. I grew up in the country, where my days were filled riding bike, building forts, and of course…proving girls can do whatever boys can do…and maybe even better! J
From the time I could swing a bat, I was on every sports team I could sign up for, and set several, still-standing, secondary school athletic records.

I found my life partner at a young age and off we went, building our life together. After finishing my post-secondary education, I landed in a field I found great value in, was challenging enough to keep me interested and fast-paced enough to hold my attention (and still does!).
I became the mother of two curious and energetic boys who kept me on the go and taught me what it meant to live selflessly…oh…and they also taught me what it meant to live on very little sleep! LOL I was an active member in my community and enjoyed being involved in local sporting events.

That was me…until it wasn’t.
Just after my 32nd birthday, I became unable to care for myself or my family. Every aspect of my life was affected by swollen, painful joints and I struggled physically, I also struggled emotionally; realizing so much of my identity was tied up in my ability to physically interact with the world around me (we could pull that apart for days couldn’t we!!??). I went from, “I can,” to “I might not be able to,” and eventually, “I can’t,” in a very short period of time.
I am happy/grateful/thankful/pleased (all of it! LOL) to have had the privilege to have access to timely and excellent care and within six months I was back to most of my usual activities…and a year later, was in remission. I recognize the care I received was (and still is) exceptional, my response to therapy extremely successful and for those things I am truly grateful…truly!

I was able to continue with my life. I worked, played, went on many grand adventures, and shared simple, sweet moments with family and friends, uninterrupted by illness and disease.
15 years later and I’m still going strong…ok…a bit slower…age does that #amirite, but my days continue to be filled with doing many things I love. I am a nurse at a local hospital, an active member in my community, and on any summer day, can be found elbows deep in any one of my many gardens, or running or biking…or if there’s snow, I’m skiing or snowshoeing …all the while proving even old girls like me can keep up with the boys!

I am no fool. I am aware there may be difficult days or even years ahead, as I continue to live with the ups and downs of RA. But I refuse to live in fear. I refuse to sit and wait for all the things that could happen, either do…or don’t. I want to live now, so I am choosing to live now. Not irresponsibly or without planning or preparation, not without good counsel or recommendations, but to my full ability and with my whole self.
As long as I can…I will.
And so this has become the driving force behind why I am about to embark on what just might be my grandest adventure yet! (aside from parenting of course LOL)

Starting in April, my husband and I will be hiking and travelling all over North America for a whole year! It is a dream that has been in the making for the last 4 years and has taken a LOT of preparation and planning!! Yes, I could wait until I retire to do this, but the truth is, I have no idea if I’ll be physically able to do all the things I want to do…if I wait another 20 years!
Why wait?
Live now. Live out of the sense of wonder and awe at the incredible person you are, what you love to do, and who you want to be. Be wise, be sensible, but be willing to step out and do that thing that brings you profound pleasure and contentment and solidifies who you are…your unique, beautiful self!
It doesn’t have to be as grand a thing as I’m about to embark on, but even small, intentional things that reflect your personality, may bring you closer to reaching a bigger, over-arching goal you’ve set for yourself.
I can’t wait to share this upcoming journey with you! I wish you were right here, sitting beside me and we had all the time in the world to chat, so I could tell you about all the things we hope to learn and do and the places we hope to see in the year to come!! #vanlife
Am I worried or anxious about this next year? Well…I’ve done my best to problem-solve through and prepare for all the variables and scenarios that I imagine could happen on an adventure like this…but I’m sure I’ve missed a few! I suppose time will tell, and I guess in the end it will all just become part of the story! LOL
Come along for the ride, let’s journey together!

person with rheumatoid arthritis