This past spring, I joined my parents and brothers for a quick getaway to Florida. The purpose of the trip was twofold. Not only was I there for some R&R, but I was also the chaperone for my brothers during their travel to Florida, and during our stay, I took one of my brothers to a few medical appointments. Although we kept a fairly full schedule, I did have some downtime which was quite a treat…something I don’t have much of on a regular basis – self-inflicted busyness of course! #storyofmylife
So…like the go-go-go person I am, I kept myself busy basically the whole time…minus a few sleep-ins. I got to see the Blue Jays play (and win!) with a crowd of blue-shirt-wearing Snowbirds on a SCORCHER of a day!!!, took long, lazy beach walks with my mom, rented a fat bike and biked aaaaaaallll over the sandy shores and boardwalks and jogged up and down the big, wide, beautiful beaches for miles…a really, really great week!
I always find my first beach run a bit of an adjustment. I mean, over the winter, I primarily run on a treadmill, as the sidewalks and roads are too icy and ain’t nobody got time for a fall or injury!! When I run on a treadmill, I don’t really have to think about…well…running! I just hop on and my body seems to know what to do…left, right, left, right, left…

BUT! When I run on the beach, I have to make a conscious effort to watch my footing as there are so many things to be aware of; the changing texture of the sand, the waves coming and going and let’s not forget jellyfish, debris, seashells, and of course kids running to and fro in search of treasure, digging, or simply chasing the waves. Speaking from experience, if you’re not paying attention, it can end horribly…or embarrassingly close to disaster…just sayin’ 🙂
But here’s the other thing…you also gotta keep looking up. If you only focus on what’s immediately in front of you, or directly under your feet, you won’t be prepared for what’s coming, or even worse, you’ll lose sight of your goal…where you’re heading. You need to be ready to adjust your path based on what lays even a bit further down the beach; a group of people walking, half-built sandcastles, a group of ambitious kids digging a big hole, an old pier, lawn chairs, sun shades…just about anything.
I have to be honest. I find it a bit frustrating when I have to break stride. Something comes in my way forcing me to change my pace or with no other option change direction completely and walk up the beach, taking a path through the soft sand where my footing is far too uncertain to continue running. Walking…feels sooooo slooooow…frustrating…but you know what happens when I walk on the beach? I am forced to stop and REALLY take in what’s around me…the wind, the waves, the sun, the beautiful people, the sounds of children playing…so good…
I suppose, at times my life feels like winter running. Over the years, I’ve made sure to best understand the daily ins and outs of my RA – daily joint exams, fatigue, medications, rest etc., so the days come and go without much of anything too interesting or complicated. I’m sure of my footing so I know what to expect and can easily find my pace, my rhythm and my stride. I know where I am in relation to what’s around me and things just work…right, left, right, left, right…

But man! Sometimes life feels like running on a packed beach. You gotta make sure you know what’s beneath you, what objects are in your path and with your chin up, set your gaze on where you want to be.
I’m continually planning, preparing, executing, and paying attention to potential hazards in my life. And when life throws a curve ball, I have to be ready, not frustrated (frustration isn’t helpful)…that if my pace changes and I’m forced to break stride, head in a bit of a different direction, I know to take the opportunity to slow down and REALLY take in what’s around me…companionship, support, beauty, nature, etc…so good….
When I’ve done my part to be prepared, done what I can to best manage, when I’ve got an idea of what to be ready for and am focused on where I’m heading, I find my pace, my rhythm, my stride. When I look ahead, at the goals I’ve set, the people I love and those who love me…I know where I am and am grounded in that…and THAT, at times becomes my rhythm, and THAT becomes my stride. Knowing that if I need to change my pace, I can and am loved and supported in it and through it. Focusing on the good that lays ahead, I’m not swayed by the waves I know are there, my approach improves and the workings of my inner life just…work…left, right, left, right, left…
Come and run with me. Feel the wind, hear the waves, let the ebb and flow take you away from the daily grind and look ahead to what this life has to offer…find your rhythm, take a stride, make your pace…set your sights waaaaaaay down the beach and find where the sand meets the sky…

person with rheumatoid arthritis